
Clear View Screens
For safety by clear view, where wipers prove to be unsatisfactory
Ships' Windows & Heated Glass-Panes
A60, standard windows and side scuttles
Marine Window Wipers
Pantograph and straight-line type
Anti-glare Window Blinds
Type approved solar screens that fully comply with SOLAS regulations as well as ISO 8468
Magnetic Compass Binnacles
Approved types in different sizes
Digital version, for seagoing vessels and shore applications
Pilot Chair Systems
chair solutions for ships
Central Clock System
SEIKO analog and MMC digital system
MOBATIME time systems & clocks
Nautical Instruments and Inventory
Type approved models
Electric Appliances and Search Lights
Marine Chronometers, Clocks, Barometers etc.
Type approved models
Engine Telegraphs
Life Saving and Fire Fighting Equipment